define([], function() { function AssetState(height, width, dispatcher) { // constructor // private variables console.log('Loading AssetState'); // initial sizes this._height = height; this._width = width; // current sizes this._assetHeight = height; this._assetWidth = width; // full zoom sizes this._zoomHeight = height; this._zoomWidth = width; // current positioning this._pagePosX = 0; this._pagePosY = 0; this._positionX = 0; this._positionY = 0; this._minLeft = 0; this._maxLeft = 0; this._minTop = 0; this._maxTop = 0; this._moveLeft = 0; this._moveTop = 0; // mouse positioning this._mouseX = 0; this._mouseY = 0; this._zoomLevel = 0; this._maxZoom = 4; this._stepSizeTop = 0; this._stepSizeLeft = 0; this._dispatcher = dispatcher; this._zoomOnly = true; // pinch data this._pinchStartWidth = 0; this._pinchStartHeight = 0; this._pinchStartX = 0; this._pinchStartY = 0; this._pinchChange = 0; this._pinchScale = 0; // rotation data this._rotationData = {}; // rotate position this._rotateX = 0; this._rotateY = 0; // rotation control this._allow360X = false; this._allow360Y = false; this._rotateClockwise = false; this._rotateIntervalID; this._autoRotating = false; this._autoRotateInfinite = false; // video states this._playing = false; this._videoVolume = 1; this._videoSeeking = false; this._videoTime = 0; this._videoMuted = false; // privileged functions this.reset = function() { this._assetHeight = _height; this._assetWidth = _width; this._positionX = 0; this._positionY = 0; this._zoomLevel = 0; }; this.getHeight = function(){ return this._height; }; this.getWidth = function(){ return this._width; }; this.setAssetHeight = function(assetHeight){ if ( assetHeight >= this._height && assetHeight <= this._zoomHeight) { this._assetHeight = assetHeight; this.calculateBoundryValues(); } }; this.getAssetHeight = function(){ return this._assetHeight; }; this.setAssetWidth = function(assetWidth){ if ( assetWidth >= this._width && assetWidth <= this._zoomWidth) { this._assetWidth = assetWidth; this.calculateBoundryValues(); } }; this.getAssetWidth = function(){ return this._assetWidth; }; this.setZoomHeight = function(zoomHeight){ this._zoomHeight = zoomHeight; }; this.getZoomHeight = function(){ return this._zoomHeight; }; this.setZoomWidth = function(zoomWidth){ this._zoomWidth = zoomWidth; }; this.getZoomWidth = function(){ return this._zoomWidth; }; this.getCurrentScaleY = function(){ return (this._assetHeight/this._height); }; this.getCurrentScaleX = function(){ return (this._assetWidth/this._width); }; this.setX = function(x){ if ( x < this._minLeft ) { x = this._minLeft; } if ( x > this._maxLeft ) { x = this._maxLeft; } this._positionX = x; }; this.getX = function(){ return this._positionX; }; this.setY = function(y){ if ( y < this._minTop ) { y = this._minTop; } if ( y > this._maxTop ) { y = this._maxTop; } this._positionY = y; }; this.getY = function(){ return this._positionY; }; this.getMinLeft = function(){ return this._minLeft; }; this.getMinTop = function(){ return this._minTop; }; this.updateX = function() { this.setX(this.getX() + this._moveLeft); } this.updateY = function() { this.setY(this.getY() + this._moveTop); } this.setPosition = function(x, y) { this.setX(x); this.setY(y); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.position.changed'); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.positionvf.changed'); }; this.setMouseX = function(x){ this._mouseX = x; }; this.getMouseX = function(){ return this._mouseX; }; this.setMouseY = function(y){ this._mouseY = y; }; this.getMouseY = function(){ return this._mouseY; }; this.setPagePosX = function(x){ this._pagePosX = x; }; this.getPagePosX = function(){ return this._pagePosX; }; this.setPagePosY = function(y){ this._pagePosY = y; }; this.getPagePosY = function(){ return this._pagePosY; }; this.setMoveLeft = function(x){ this._moveLeft = x; }; this.getMoveLeft = function(){ return this._moveLeft; }; this.setMoveTop = function(y){ this._moveTop = y; }; this.getMoveTop = function(){ return this._moveTop; }; this.setZoomLevel = function(zoom){ if ( this._zoomLevel != zoom ) { this._zoomLevel = zoom; //console.log("Set _zoomLevel: " + this._zoomLevel); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.zoom.changed'); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.zoomproxy.changed'); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.positionvf.changed'); } }; this.setPinchZoomLevel = function(zoom){ // If in pinch mode a zoomlevel change should not have a knock on effect if ( this._zoomLevel != zoom && this._zoomLevel >= 0 && this._zoomLevel <= this._maxZoom) { this._zoomLevel = zoom; //console.log("Set _zoomLevel (pinch): " + this._zoomLevel); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.pinchzoom.changed'); if ( this._zoomLevel == 0 ) { this.handlePinchReset(); } } }; this.getZoomLevel = function(){ return this._zoomLevel; }; this.workoutStepSize = function(){ this._stepSizeTop = (this._zoomHeight - this._height)/this._maxZoom; this._stepSizeLeft = (this._zoomWidth - this._width)/this._maxZoom; }; this.getStepSizeTop = function() { return (this._zoomHeight - this._height)/this._maxZoom; }; this.getStepSizeLeft = function() { return (this._zoomWidth - this._width)/this._maxZoom; }; // Pinch Data this.setPinchStartData = function(x, y, width, height) { this._pinchStartX = x; this._pinchStartY = y; this._pinchStartWidth = width; this._pinchStartHeight = height; }; this.setPinchStartWidth = function(width) { this._pinchStartWidth = width; }; this.getPinchStartWidth = function() { return this._pinchStartWidth; }; this.setPinchStartHeight = function(height) { this._pinchStartHeight = height; }; this.getPinchStartHeight = function() { return this._pinchStartHeight; }; this.setPinchStartX = function(x) { this._pinchStartX = x; }; this.getPinchStartX = function() { return this._pinchStartX; }; this.setPinchStartY = function(y) { this._pinchStartY = y; }; this.getPinchStartY = function() { return this._pinchStartY; }; this.setPinchChange = function(change) { this._pinchChange = change; if ( this._zoomLevel == 0 ) { this._zoomLevel = 0.5; // ensure a reset does not happen } RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.pinch.changed'); }; this.getPinchChange = function() { return this._pinchChange; }; this.setPinchScale = function(scale) { this._pinchScale = scale; if ( this._zoomLevel == 0 ) { this._zoomLevel = 0.5; // ensure a reset does not happen } RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.pinch.scalechanged'); }; this.getPinchScale = function() { return this._pinchScale; }; // Rotation Data this.getRotationData = function () { return this._rotationData; }; this.setRotationData = function (data) { this._rotationData = data; }; this.getRotateX = function () { return this._rotateX; }; this.getRotateY = function () { return this._rotateY; }; this.setRotateX = function (x) { this._rotateX = x; }; this.setRotateY = function (y) { this._rotateY = y; }; this.getRotateXMax = function () { return this._rotateXMax; }; this.getRotateYMax = function () { return this._rotateYMax; }; this.setRotateXMax = function (x) { this._rotateXMax = x; }; this.setRotateYMax = function (y) { this._rotateYMax = y; }; this.getRotateXMin = function () { return this._rotateXMin; }; this.getRotateYMin = function () { return this._rotateYMin; }; this.setRotateXMin = function (x) { this._rotateXMin = x; }; this.setRotateYMin = function (y) { this._rotateYMin = y; }; this.getRotateXCount = function () { return this._rotateXCount; }; this.getRotateYCount = function () { return this._rotateYCount; }; this.setRotateXCount = function (x) { this._rotateXCount = x; }; this.setRotateYCount = function (y) { this._rotateYCount = y; }; this.getAllow360X = function () { return this._allow360X; }; this.getAllow360Y = function () { return this._allow360Y; }; this.setAllow360X = function (x) { this._allow360X = x; }; this.setAllow360Y = function (y) { this._allow360Y = y; }; this.getAutoRotateInfinite = function () { return this._autoRotateInfinite; }; this.setAutoRotateInfinite = function (auto) { this._autoRotateInfinite = auto; }; this.getRotateClockwise = function() { return this._rotateClockwise; }; this.setRotateClockwise = function(clockwise) { this._rotateClockwise = clockwise; }; this.setZoomOnly = function(zoomOnly) { this._zoomOnly = zoomOnly; RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger("state.zoomModeChange"); }; this.getZoomOnly = function() { return this._zoomOnly; }; this.setPlaying = function(playing) { this._playing = playing; }; this.getPlaying = function() { return this._playing; }; this.setVolume = function(volume) { this._videoVolume = volume; RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger("video.volumeChange"); }; this.getVolume = function() { return this._videoVolume; }; this.setMuted = function(muted) { this._videoMuted = muted; }; this.getMuted = function() { return this._videoMuted; }; this.setSeeking = function(seeking) { this._videoSeeking = seeking; }; this.getSeeking = function() { return this._videoSeeking; }; this.setVideoTime = function(time) { this._videoTime = time; RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('video.timeSet'); }; this.getVideoTime = function() { return this._videoTime; }; this.handleClickBehavior = function(eventObj) { this.workoutStepSize(); var clickX = this.getMouseX() - this._pagePosX; var clickY = this.getMouseY() - this._pagePosY; this._moveLeft = ((this.getWidth()/2) - clickX); this._moveTop = ((this.getHeight()/2) - clickY); //Adjust by StepSize to counter the increased image size this._moveLeft = this._moveLeft - (this.getStepSizeLeft()/2); this._moveTop = this._moveTop - (this.getStepSizeTop()/2); // Update Zoom level var newZoomLevel = this.getZoomLevel() + 1; if ( newZoomLevel > this._maxZoom ) newZoomLevel = 0; this.setZoomLevel(newZoomLevel); return false; }; this.handleZoomInBehavior = function(eventObj) { this._moveLeft = -(this.getStepSizeLeft()/2); this._moveTop = -(this.getStepSizeTop()/2); // Update Zoom level var newZoomLevel = this.getZoomLevel() + 1; if ( newZoomLevel > this._maxZoom ) newZoomLevel = 0; this.setZoomLevel(newZoomLevel); return false; }; this.handleZoomOutBehavior = function(eventObj) { this._moveLeft = (this.getStepSizeLeft()/2); this._moveTop = (this.getStepSizeTop()/2); var newZoomLevel = this.getZoomLevel() - 1; if ( newZoomLevel < 0 ) newZoomLevel = 0; this.setZoomLevel(newZoomLevel); return false; }; this.handleResetBehavior = function(eventObj) { this._moveLeft = -(this.getX()); this._moveTop = -(this.getY()); this.setZoomLevel(0); return false; }; this.handlePinchReset = function() { RICHFX.jQuery('#' + + '_initialImage').show(); RICHFX.jQuery('#' + + '_zoomImage').hide(); }; this.handleLeftBehavior = function() { var X = this.getRotateX(); var Y = this.getRotateY(); var newX = X; if ( this._rotateClockwise ) { newX++; if( this._allow360X && newX > this.getRotateXMax() ) { newX = this.getRotateXMin(); } } else { newX--; if( this._allow360X && newX < this.getRotateXMin() ) { newX = this.getRotateXMax(); } } this.handleRotationChange(Y, newX); return false; }; this.handleRightBehavior = function() { var X = this.getRotateX(); var Y = this.getRotateY(); var newX = X; if ( this._rotateClockwise ) { newX--; if( this._allow360X && newX < this.getRotateXMin() ) { newX = this.getRotateXMax(); } } else { newX++; if( this._allow360X && newX > this.getRotateXMax() ) { newX = this.getRotateXMin(); } } this.handleRotationChange(Y, newX); return false; }; this.handleAutoBehavior = function() { if ( this.getRotateX() < this.getRotateXMax() ) { this._autoRotating = true; this._rotateIntervalID = setInterval(RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function() { var X = this.getRotateX(); var Y = this.getRotateY(); var newX = X; if ( newX == this.getRotateXMax() && this.getAutoRotateInfinite() ) { newX = this.getRotateXMin(); } if( this._allow360X && newX < this.getRotateXMax() ) { newX++; this.handleRotationChange(Y, newX); } else { clearInterval(this._rotateIntervalID); this._autoRotating = false; } },this), 150); } else { this._autoRotating = true; this._rotateIntervalID = setInterval(RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function() { var X = this.getRotateX(); var Y = this.getRotateY(); var newX = X; if ( newX == this.getRotateXMin() && this.getAutoRotateInfinite() ) { newX = this.getRotateXMax(); } if( this._allow360X && newX > this.getRotateXMin() ) { newX--; this.handleRotationChange(Y, newX); } else { clearInterval(this._rotateIntervalID); this._autoRotating = false; } },this), 150); } return false; }; this.handleUpBehavior = function() { var X = this.getRotateX(); var Y = this.getRotateY(); var newY = Y; if ( this._rotateClockwise ) { newY--; if( this._allow360Y && newY < this.getRotateYMin() ) { newY = this.getRotateYMax(); } } else { newY++; if( this._allow360Y && newY > this.getRotateYMax() ) { newY = this.getRotateYMin(); } } this.handleRotationChange(newY, X); return false; }; this.handleDownBehavior = function() { var X = this.getRotateX(); var Y = this.getRotateY(); var newY = Y; if ( this._rotateClockwise ) { newY++; if( this._allow360Y && newY > this.getRotateYMax() ) { newY = this.getRotateYMin(); } } else { newY--; if( this._allow360Y && newY < this.getRotateYMin() ) { newY = this.getRotateYMax(); } } this.handleRotationChange(newY, X); return false; }; this.handleRotationChange = function(Y, X) { var rotateData = this.getRotationData(); if ( rotateData[Y] != undefined && rotateData[Y][X] != undefined ) { var initSrc = rotateData[Y][X]["initial"]["path"]; var zoomSrc = rotateData[Y][X]["zoom"]["path"]; this.setRotateY(Y); this.setRotateX(X); RICHFX.jQuery('#' + + '_initialImage').attr('src', initSrc); RICHFX.jQuery('#' + + '_zoomImage').attr('src', zoomSrc); if ( this.getZoomLevel() > 0 ) { RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('viewfinder.change.source'); } } }; this.setMousePosition = function(X, Y) { this._mouseX = X; this._mouseY = Y; }; this.calculateBoundryValues = function() { this._minLeft = (this.getWidth() - this.getAssetWidth()); this._minTop = (this.getHeight() - this.getAssetHeight()); }; this.checkForAutoRotation = function () { if ( this._autoRotating ) { clearInterval(this._rotateIntervalID); this._autoRotating = false; } }; this.fireNativeTrigger = function(eventName) { var evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent(eventName, true, true, { detail: { 'RMEvent' : eventName } }); document.dispatchEvent(evt); }; // private functions }; AssetState.prototype = { // variables //functions AssetStateInit: function() { //console.log('AssetStateInit Loaded'); this._pagePosX = RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).offset().left; this._pagePosY = RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).offset().top; RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("clicked.zoombehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleClickBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("zoomin.zoombehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleZoomInBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("zoomout.zoombehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleZoomOutBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("reset.zoombehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleResetBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); // Rotate handlers RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("left.rotatebehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleLeftBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("right.rotatebehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleRightBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("up.rotatebehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleUpBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("down.rotatebehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); this.handleDownBehavior(event); return false; }, this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind("auto.rotatebehavior", RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(event) { if ( this._autoRotating ) { this.checkForAutoRotation(); } else { this.handleAutoBehavior(event); } return false; }, this)); this.fireNativeTrigger('richmedia.state.loaded'); }, setMaxZoomLevel: function(maxZoom) { //console.log('setting maxZoom: ' + maxZoom); this._maxZoom = maxZoom; }, checkZoomLevels: function(newWidth) { //console.log('Checking zoom levels: ' + newWidth +'|'+this.getWidth()); var i = 0; // handled zoomed out if ( newWidth == this.getWidth() ) { //console.log('setting pinchZoom to 0'); this.setPinchZoomLevel(0); return; } // handle zoomed while ( i < this._maxZoom ) { var zoomLevelWidth = this.getWidth() + ( this.getStepSizeLeft() * i ); if ( zoomLevelWidth > newWidth ) { //console.log('setting pinchZoom to ' + (i-1)); this.setPinchZoomLevel(i-1); return; } i++; } //console.log('setting pinchZoom to Max: ' + this._maxZoom); this.setPinchZoomLevel(this._maxZoom); } }; //console.log('AssetState Loaded'); return AssetState; });