define([], function(){ //define(['js!modernizr/modernizr.touch.min.js'], function(MODERNIZR){ //'js!modernizr/modernizr.touch.min.js' function ZoomBehavior(initialImage, zoomImage, dispatcher, zoomType, handlePinchZoom){ this._initialImage = initialImage; this._zoomImage = zoomImage; this._dispatcher = dispatcher; this._handlePinchZoom = handlePinchZoom; this._zoomType = zoomType; this._clickStartTime = 0; this._lastTapTime = 0; this._state = null; this._initialAsset = null; this._isDoubleTap = false; this._touchStartX = 0; this._touchStartY = 0; this._touchMoveX = 0; this._touchMoveY = 0; this._startDistanceX = 0; this._startDistanceY = 0; this._scaleDistStart = 0; this._scaleDistMove = 0; this._scaleDist = 0; this._gesture = false; this._iOSDevice = false; } ZoomBehavior.prototype = { zoomInit:function(){ //console.log('ZoomBehavior dispatcher: ',this._dispatcher); //if(Modernizr.touch){ this.attachAllTouchListeners(); if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) ) { this._iOSDevice = true; } //} else { this.attachAllDesktopListeners(); //} }, attachAllDesktopListeners:function(){ var self = this; //_initialImage RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind('click', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ this.clickHandler(eventObj); return false; },this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind('mousedown', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ this.mousedownHandler(eventObj); return false; },this)); //RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).attr("tabindex", "-1"); /* //RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind('keydown', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ //RICHFX.jQuery(document).bind('keydown', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ //console.log('ZoomBehavior - activeElement: ', document.activeElement); //this.keyboardHandler(eventObj); //return false; },this)); */ RICHFX.jQuery('#''richmedia.external.zoom', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ //console.log('ZoomBehavior - activeElement: ', document.activeElement); this.actionZoomBehaviour(); return false; },this)); if ($) { $('#''richmedia.external.zoom', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(){ //console.log('ZoomBehavior - activeElement: ', document.activeElement); this.actionZoomBehaviour(); return false; },this)); } }, attachAllTouchListeners:function(){ //TODO //make touch device stuff happen RICHFX.jQuery(this._initialImage).bind('touchstart', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ //console.log('ZoomBehaviour caught initial image touch'); this.touchstartHandler(eventObj); },this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._initialImage).bind('touchend', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ this.touchendHandler(eventObj); },this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._zoomImage).bind('touchstart', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ //console.log('ZoomBehaviour caught zoom image touch'); this.touchstartHandler(eventObj); },this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._zoomImage).bind('touchend', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ this.touchendHandler(eventObj); },this)); if ( this._handlePinchZoom ) { // iOS MultiTouch RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind('gesturestart', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ eventObj.preventDefault(); },this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind('gesturechange', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ eventObj.preventDefault(); var currWidth = RICHFX.jQuery(this._zoomImage)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; this._scaleDist = eventObj.originalEvent.scale; if ( ( this._iOSDevice && currWidth == 0 ) || ( currWidth < this._state.getZoomWidth() && currWidth > this._state.getWidth() ) || ( currWidth >= this._state.getZoomWidth() && this._scaleDist < 1 ) || ( currWidth <= this._state.getWidth() && this._scaleDist > 1 ) ) { this._state.setPinchScale(eventObj.originalEvent.scale); } },this)); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind('gestureend', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ eventObj.preventDefault(); this.pinchEndHandler(); },this)); } }, clickHandler: function(eventObj){ var now = new Date(); var currClickTime = now.getMilliseconds() + now.getSeconds()*1000; if ( (currClickTime - this._clickStartTime) < 200 ) { this._state.setMousePosition(eventObj.pageX, eventObj.pageY); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger("clicked.zoombehavior"); } var initElemID = ( + '_initialImage'); var zoomElemID = ( + '_zoomImage'); /* this.outputEventData(; this.outputEventData(initElemID); this.outputEventData(zoomElemID); */ }, keyboardHandler: function(eventObj){ if ( eventObj.keyCode == 13 ) { actionZoomBehaviour(); } }, actionZoomBehaviour: function() { //this._state.setMousePosition(eventObj.pageX, eventObj.pageY); var halfX = RICHFX.jQuery(this._initialImage).width() / 2; var halfY = RICHFX.jQuery(this._initialImage).height() / 2; //console.log('actionZoomBehaviour: ' + halfX + '|' + halfY, this._dispatcher); this._state.setMousePosition(halfX, halfY); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger("clicked.zoombehavior"); var initElemID = ( + '_initialImage'); var zoomElemID = ( + '_zoomImage'); }, mousedownHandler: function(eventObj) { var now = new Date(); this._clickStartTime = now.getMilliseconds() + now.getSeconds()*1000; return false; }, touchstartHandler: function(eventObj) { //eventObj.preventDefault(); var now = new Date(); this._clickStartTime = now.getMilliseconds() + now.getSeconds()*1000; var touch = eventObj.originalEvent; this._touchStartX = touch.touches[0].pageX; this._touchStartY = touch.touches[0].pageY; RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).bind('touchmove', RICHFX.jQuery.proxy(function(eventObj){ this.touchmoveHandler(eventObj); },this)); if ( touch.touches[1] != undefined && this._handlePinchZoom ) { this._state.setPinchStartData(this._touchStartX, this._touchStartY, this._state.getAssetWidth(), this._state.getAssetHeight()) if ( !this._iOSDevice ) { var touchStartX2 = touch.touches[1].pageX; var touchStartY2 = touch.touches[1].pageY; var dx = this._touchStartX - touchStartX2; var dy = this._touchStartY - touchStartY2; this._scaleDistStart = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); this._gesture = true; } } }, touchendHandler: function(eventObj) { eventObj.preventDefault(); var targetID =; var viewerID = targetID.replace('RICHFXViewerContainer_', ''); viewerID = viewerID.replace('_initialImage', ''); //console.log('Zoom viewerID: ' + viewerID); // check for swipe if ( !this._gesture && this._touchMoveX > 0 && this._state.getZoomLevel() == 0 && this._state.getZoomOnly() ) { // If this is a swipe signal prev/next trigger if ( this._touchStartX - this._touchMoveX > 50 ) { RICHFX.jQuery(document).trigger('imageCC.nextImage', [viewerID]); } if( this._touchMoveX - this._touchStartX > 50 ) { RICHFX.jQuery(document).trigger('imageCC.prevImage', [viewerID]); } //reset touchmove regardless this._touchMoveX = 0; } // Check for correct zoom tap var now = new Date(); var currClickTime = now.getMilliseconds() + now.getSeconds()*1000; var timeSince = currClickTime - this._lastTapTime; if ( !this._isDoubleTap && timeSince > 0 && timeSince < 600 ) { this._isDoubleTap = true; } else { this._isDoubleTap = false; } this._lastTapTime = new Date().getMilliseconds() + now.getSeconds()*1000; if ( (this._zoomType == "singleTap" && !this._isDoubleTap) || (this._zoomType == "doubleTap" && this._isDoubleTap) || (this._zoomType == "doubleTapStart" && this._isDoubleTap && this._state.getZoomLevel() == 0 ) || (this._zoomType == "doubleTapStart" && !this._isDoubleTap && this._state.getZoomLevel() > 0 ) ) // !this._isDoubleTap && { if ( (currClickTime - this._clickStartTime) < 200 ) { this._state.setMousePosition(this._touchStartX, this._touchStartY); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger("clicked.zoombehavior"); if (this._zoomType == "doubleTapStart") this._lastTapTime = 0; } RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).unbind('touchmove'); if ( this._gesture ) { this.pinchEndHandler(); this._gesture = false; } } }, touchmoveHandler: function(eventObj) { var touch = eventObj.originalEvent; this._touchMoveX = touch.touches[0].pageX; this._touchMoveY = touch.touches[0].pageY; if ( touch.touches[1] != undefined || Math.abs(this._touchStartX - this._touchMoveX) > 10 ) { eventObj.preventDefault(); } // invalidate the touch start this._clickStartTime = 0; // Handle pinch if necessary if ( touch.touches[1] != undefined && !this._iOSDevice && this._handlePinchZoom ) { // Work out scale change var touchMoveX2 = touch.touches[1].pageX; var touchMoveY2 = touch.touches[1].pageY; var dx = this._touchMoveX - touchMoveX2; var dy = this._touchMoveY - touchMoveY2; this._scaleDistMove = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); this._scaleDist = this._scaleDistMove / this._scaleDistStart; var currWidth = RICHFX.jQuery(this._zoomImage)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; if ( currWidth == 0 ) currWidth = this._state.getWidth(); if ( ( currWidth < this._state.getZoomWidth() && currWidth > this._state.getWidth() ) || ( currWidth >= this._state.getZoomWidth() && this._scaleDist < 1 ) || ( currWidth <= this._state.getWidth() && this._scaleDist > 1 ) ) { this._state.setPinchScale(this._scaleDist); } return false; } }, pinchEndHandler: function() { //currWidth = this._scaleDist * this._state.getAssetWidth(); //currHeight = this._scaleDist * this._state.getAssetHeight(); var currWidth = RICHFX.jQuery(this._zoomImage)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; var currHeight = RICHFX.jQuery(this._zoomImage)[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; currLeft = this._state.getX() - ((currWidth - this._state.getAssetWidth())/2); currTop = this._state.getY() - ((currHeight - this._state.getAssetHeight())/2); if ( currWidth > this._state.getZoomWidth() ) { currWidth = this._state.getZoomWidth(); currHeight = this._state.getZoomHeight(); } if ( currWidth < this._state.getWidth() ) { currWidth = this._state.getWidth(); currHeight = this._state.getHeight(); } //console.log('setting zoomLevels - ' + currWidth); this._state.checkZoomLevels(currWidth); this._state.setAssetWidth(currWidth); this._state.setAssetHeight(currHeight); if ( currLeft < this._state.getMinLeft() ) { currLeft = this._state.getMinLeft(); } if ( currTop < this._state.getMinTop() ) { currTop = this._state.getMinTop(); } if ( currLeft > 0 ) { currLeft = 0; } if ( currTop > 0 ) { currTop = 0; } this._state.setX(currLeft); this._state.setY(currTop); RICHFX.jQuery(this._zoomImage).css({width: currWidth+"px", height: currHeight+"px", top: currTop, left: currLeft, webkitTransform: "scale(1)"}); RICHFX.jQuery(this._dispatcher).trigger('assetstate.positionvf.changed'); // disable swipe gesture this._touchMoveX = 0; var initElemID = ( + '_initialImage'); var zoomElemID = ( + '_zoomImage'); //console.log('Outputing events'); /* this.outputEventData(; this.outputEventData(initElemID); this.outputEventData(zoomElemID); */ }, outputEventData: function(eventElement) { eventsData = RICHFX.jQuery('#'+eventElement).data('events'); if ( eventsData ) { for ( var eventType in eventsData ) { for ( var idx in eventsData[eventType] ) { var namespace = eventsData[eventType][idx].namespace; var eventData = eventsData[eventType][idx].data; var namespaceParts = namespace.split('.'); var bindType = ""; // reverse namespace to get orgininal value for ( var i = (namespaceParts.length - 1); i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( bindType == "" ) { bindType = namespaceParts[i]; } else { bindType = bindType + '.' + namespaceParts[i]; } } bindType = eventType + '.' + bindType; //console.log(eventElement + ' data - bindtype: ' + bindType + ', handler: ' + eventsData[eventType][idx].handler); } } } }, setState: function(assetState) { this._state = assetState; }, setInitialAsset: function(initialAsset) { this._initialAsset = initialAsset; }, setTouchSettings: function(enablePinchZoom, touchZoomType) { this._handlePinchZoom = enablePinchZoom; this._zoomType = touchZoomType; } } return ZoomBehavior; });