/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */ /** * wire/domReady plugin * A base wire/domReady module that plugins can use if they need domReady. Simply * add 'wire/domReady' to your plugin module dependencies * (e.g. require(['wire/domReady', ...], function(domReady, ...) { ... })) and you're * set. * * wire is part of the cujo.js family of libraries (http://cujojs.com/) * * Licensed under the MIT License at: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Returns a function that accepts a callback to be called when the DOM is ready. * * You can also use your AMD loader's paths config to map wire/domReady to whatever * domReady function you might want to use. See documentation for your AMD loader * for specific instructions. For curl.js and requirejs, it will be something like: * * paths: { * 'wire/domReady': 'path/to/my/domReady' * } */ (function(global) { define(['require'], function(req) { // Try require.ready first return (global.require && global.require.ready) || function (cb) { // If it's not available, assume a domReady! plugin is available req(['domReady!'], function () { // Using domReady! as a plugin will automatically wait for domReady // so we can just call the callback. cb(); }); }; }); })(this);